
Qobuz playlists not available

Userlevel 1

Qobuz playlists are not available when using the upgrade app on Android. These playlists are properly displayed when using the Sonos program for Windows.

When a Qobuz playlist is added via the Windows program, it plays and shows up on the Android under “Recently Played”; however, clicking on that playlist on the Android fails “Something went wrong” ← No kidding.


Best answer by Paul Rules 19 May 2024, 08:31

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9 replies

It seems to be the same for Apple systems as well. Playlists won’t show up. I’ve tried reauthorizing a couple times as well.

Same here. No Qobuz playlists visible. Favourites are still there. Have reautharised but no luck.

Also, where has Trueplay functionality gone ???


Same here. I mainly use Qobuz so main content source is gone. Sonos,  I’m switching to Roon. 

Same for me - Qobuz is the main services I use, so if this is not fixed I will be scrapping Sonos. It’s hard to comprehend such a disatrous update. Is there any response from Sonos in terms of addressing this?

same here - unable to upload Qobuz playlists (my playlists)

how can I go back to the old APP version? 

Userlevel 1

SONOS forced their latest update on me today (May 15, 2024), after I reverted to the 16.1 version. With the forced update, my Qobuz playlist is no longer available.


Sonos: Hear me clearly, with a FORCED update I will never again buy any of your products and am actively seeking alternatives. You can produce defective software, that’s awful, but to FORCE defective software on your customers is unforgivable. As a company, at the very least you should be embarrassed and offer apologies. At the most, you should NEVER FORCE an update.

Hi Bob_B – agree.  Hope SONOS folks will bother to read this chat.  As I have SONOS hardware I cannot walk away but this would be my conclusion if they do not fix this. 

Sonos, listen. Rule number one of software development. It's not hard. Don't force a major rewrite update until you have feature parity. For some reason you and Tesla are incapable of understanding the basics. 
