
SL pair not connecting as surrounds.

  • 9 October 2020
  • 6 replies

I am new to having a Sonos system. I have a Beam and a pair of One SL’s. I originally set up the pair of SL’s as a stereo pair. I decided I want to instead have them as surrounds with the Beam. When I go to do this (after first separating the pair), the setup never completes. An error message states it can’t be competed. After I move on from the error message the SL’s do show up in the group with my Beam though. However, there is no sound from either SL when I play TV sound or stream music. I have tried removing the surrounds and trying again several times with no success. When I go back to setting them up as a pair again just to get some use out of them, that works fine. Any ideas on what might be preventing this surround setup process from completing? They are all wirelessly connected to a WIFI extender. Thanks in advance for any advice or solutions.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

First, let’s be sure you have them set as surrounds. Go to Settings/System. The room with your Beam should show roomname (+LS+RS). 

Then make sure your TV is sending a DD signal. Sonos cannot handle DD+ or DTS. You can check what the Beam is receiving at Settings/System/About my System. Scroll down to your room at check the Audio In is Dolby Digital. 

check those first and report back, and we’ll go from there. 

Thank you for your response and bringing this section to my attention. See the attached picture. Any idea what characteristics of a wireless network would prevent Sonos from letting me add surrounds and a sub? This is very disappointing with what I have invested in this system and planned to add a sub at some point. 

*Moderator Note: Please censor personal information when posting pictures.*

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

I’ve never seen that message before; maybe contact Sonos support if no one else in the community can help. Surrounds and Sub are connected on 5GHz wifi as it’s faster/lower latency Than 2.4GHz, if that helps you trouble-shoot?

Thanks. It should be 5GHz but I will look into that. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Also, I think that the app will still show the Audio In as DD5.1 if that’s what it’s receiving, even if you only have a Beam. If so, you are only getting stereo so you still need to get the TV outputting a DD signal. 

Yes, I noticed that too. That is something else to troubleshoot. My TV does have that as an option as an output but it is grayed out and not selectable for some reason. Also, after digging into my network, I am seeing that my Beam and one of the SL’s is connected to the 2.4GHz part of my network. I also have a Port and that and the other SL are connected to the 5GHz. Any idea how I change that? I realize this might be more of a network question but just curious if you know. Thanks!