Sonos outdoor speaker sound

  • 27 March 2024
  • 3 replies

I have two outdoor Sonos speakers. If I place one on the backyard deck and one on the front porch, roughly 50ft away from each other, will the sound be good in both speakers? Or will the bass come from one and the treble from the other?



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Both will play the full audio range.

Depending on how they are connected and how your amplifier is set one may only play right and the other left. You’d want to tweak your settings so both played in Mono mode.

Userlevel 7


Next time please indicate what “outdoor” speakers you’re referring to. Also, are the speakers in a stereo pair or just grouped? If the former bass and treble may be split to a degree in some passages of the music. If the latter both speakers will play the same in all respects. 

The above deals with Sonos battery powered outdoor speakers (Move and Roam). If you are referring to speakers powered by a Sonos amp then that depends if they are set to play in stereo or mono. If stereo the bass and treble may be split as mentioned above. If set to mono then both will play the same.

If this question had been properly asked there would have been no need to go into this much detail.

I recommend Dual Mono mode for AMP.
